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Huronia Sponsorship Dollars Help Fund the Development of a New Community Website

Posted On: Monday, May 131, 2015

We are proud to partner with and sponsor Blue Mountains Community Watch.

This group brings residents and businesses in our area together to reduce occurrences where crimes may occur, through programs like: Neighbourhood Watch, Business Watch, Rural Watch and Traffic Watch. The new website will provide more detailed information about the various programs, provide safety and fraud prevention tips and suggest ways to keep your family and property safe and secure.  There's also information about a non-emergency hotline that has been established by the OPP  for citizens to call.   Stay up to date with the latest information and help reduce crime in your area.  

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Customer Testimonial

I would like to thank you and your team for the work done on the security system at our new office suites and meeting facility ... over the last 9 months, I've dealt with a number of people on ...
- Deborah Foster-Stahle, President