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Huronia achieves accreditation through the CASC

Posted On: Thursday, May 14, 2015

As a member of the Canadian Security Association (CANASA), Huronia is one of the first companies to achieve accreditation through the Canadian Accredited Security Contractor Program (CASC).

Huronia achieves accreditation through the CASC

In the absence of nationwide legislation, the Canadian Security Association has developed this accreditation program to ensure that the electronic security providers in Canada have a set of best practices to follow. 

And with that in place, Customers can more easily source Canadian companies based on their qualifications, ethics and practices as laid out in that CASC program.  For instance look for the symbol or ask the question as a starting point.

We believe that this accreditation program will allow consumers to easily identify reputable, professional security companies.


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Customer Testimonial

Cameras work great ... they were "bullet proof" last winter ... always worked when I looked at the place from Florida ... and we added another camera plus wifi in the boathouse a few week...
- Peter